I pray that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and had at least a moment to thank God for all that He has done and all that he has given us. My cup overflows!!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I pray that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and had at least a moment to thank God for all that He has done and all that he has given us. My cup overflows!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Our Little Tomato...
...Back to Halloween. We took a quick weekend trip down to San Marcos with our good friends Katie, Dewayne, and baby Johnna (Johnna is just 31/2 weeks older than Eden- I know, how fun!). Great weekend for early Christmas shopping, and once again Brett was a champ and watched BabyGirl so I could power shop. True to my roots, I didn't take a single picture all weekend, so I have to be honest and tell that the shot below is from a week earlier at Brett's triathlon- but you get the idea. I giggled every time I looked at her- still do when I see the picture. Thank you Doll for such a fabulous costume!
For any of you that don't know, Halloween is also my birthday. Sweet husband of mine got me four gifts (not including the Starbucks breakfast): 1. beaded make-up bag I'd had my eye on
2. Pepper spray 3. Book on jogging stroller fitness (what is there not a book about) 4. Super cool jogging stroller. I must share that he took all of the gifts (minus the stroller) to Bealls and paid them to wrap them because he knew I loved pretty wrapping (mind you none of them were purchased at Bealls). Isn't that so thoughtful and really funny!? The shot below is of our first jog the other day. May I just say that "pre-pregnant" jogging and "post-pregnant" jogging- NOT THE SAME! Still not sure whose body this is... It was really nice to get back out there though. I'll just be glad when it doesn't feel like my stomach is jogging with me.
The last picture is just because I love it... and her.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Rock the Triathlon...
Friday, October 24, 2008
Eden's Nine Weeks Old
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Happy Birthday to My Favorite...
Yesterday my favorite person in all the world had a birthday...
Happy Birthday!
For Brett's sake I must tell of the Great Deer. Last weekend Brett went with his good friend Dewayne to hunt his family's land in Golthwaite. It was Brett's first time to hunt with a bow and he got this 9 point from less than 20 yards away. You should ask him to tell the story! We are so very proud!
A little bit of Eden...
"Big Girl"
Sunday, September 28, 2008
First Trip to Sassy & Grandpa's House!
As a quick update, Eden has been pooping on her own every two to three days now- Praise the Lord! We have also started some "sleep training". Nights are still a little rough, but improving- today though, Eden put herself to sleep for a nap just beautifully- yeah!!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Poop in Progress...
Isn't she beautiful...look at that precious Cain nose.
I meant to include this pic from the hospital long ago. Our great friends T.O. and Candace gave Brett that shirt.
We took Eden to the GI specialist on Friday and she said what we already suspected- that Eden is probably normal and that we should just continue our current pattern. She did prescribe Lactulose to see if that increases her frequency. If any of your babies have taken it, I would love to hear how it went. She wants to see us back in 10 weeks and if we are still having problems, she may order the diagnostics for Hirschprung's disease. The absolute best part is that Eden decided it was time to poop- right there in the doctor's office. I think the doctor wondered if we new what we were talking about!
Because we were already up in Hurst, we decided to drive over to Plano/Frisco and spent the night. We stayed at this new hotel at the shops at Legacy in Plano called Nylo. It was one of those places that was trying really hard to be super fancy, but just kind of missed it. It was really modern and just pretty interesting- the walls, ceiling, and floor were all unfinished concrete and the plumbing and ducts were all exposed- interesting- super comfy bed, though, which is the MOST important thing to us. You can sort of tell from the picture below. We had lots of fun, but I think next time it's back to our staple Westin Stonebriar.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Growing Up Already...
Look what I learned to do Mom!
Well Eden is 3 weeks old and it feels like she's been with us forever! What a pleasure... She is loving her baths, and she will sleep for 2 hours at a time on her own... still working on it. Pooping is still a problem. For the past 10 days she only goes every 4 days when I give her a glycerin enema (one of the many pleasures of motherhood- but I really don't mind). She doesn't seem the least bit uncomfortable- thankfully- and when she does go it is nice and soft- no constipation. We are going to see the gastrointerologist a week from today. The pediatrician wants us to make sure that it isn't Hirschprung's Disease which is where a portion of the colon lacks nerve cells that stimulate it to contract. It's a little tough to hear the word disease in reference to your 3 week old... There is a greater chance that Eden is just what they call a 'normal variant' (no disease)- I prefer the term 'extra special'. I must declare from the rooftops, however, that today while shopping at Target with our very special friends Katie & Johnna- Eden pooped on her own! I have to admit that I cried a little bit! Of course, the moral of the story is that shopping really can cure anything... In all seriousness, thank you Lord!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Week 2 and Playing Catch-Up
Every day just gets better doesn't it... Eden is wonderful. She will now nap on her own but still needs to be next to Mom to sleep more than an hour overnight...we're working on it. Bath time is MUCH better. She won't admit it, but I think she even likes it a little bit. Thank you moms for all the great advice. One tiny hiccup- Eden doesn't poop! We are going on 41/2 days with nothing. I know that is common for breastfed babies but not usually this soon. She has no signs of constipation- thankfully. Her doctor is going to consult a GI specialist today to get some input, because we are both a little stumped. Anyway, please pray for poop!
So, about 6am I heard Brett's alarm go off and I went in and told him I had been having contractions all night. It was just like a movie- in the fog of sleep he said 'oh really', then his eyes jumped open and he flew out of bed and said "We're having a baby today-Gotta get ready!"
Two big pushes later, I had again reached the point that I thought- I'm done, I can't do it anymore... I was completely exausted. All of a sudden the nurses declared "you did it!" and they backed away from the table, flipped on the surgical lights, threw up some stirrups, and put on surgical gowns and gloves. Brett likes to call that moment 'lights, camera, action'... We were both like, I did what!? I wasn't sure if they noticed but the BabyGirl was still very much inside of me. One of the nurses said "you are ready to have your baby". I thought- "are you kidding me? What exactly have I been doing for the past 20 hours?" Well, apparently you push with the nurses for a long time until the baby's head moves below the pelvic bone so that it can't move back up between contractions. Then it's just a couple of pushes later and the baby is out... That's exactly how it happened. Three pushes later and Eden was here!
She immediately let out a wail and I have never known relief like I felt at that moment... never. The doctor warned me she had a little cone-head, but oh my word, that poor child looked like she was wearing a dunce cap cocked to the right side. I know that their little skulls are made to do that, but it is bound to cause a headache! I found out later that the goofey doctor had also cut her little head when he broke my water- apparently quite common, but irritating nonetheless. She was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen- ever. The same goofey doctor was about to cut the cord when thankfully Brett piped in and told him he wanted to cut it. They wrapped her up and put her on my chest and she immediately quit crying- wow- no words for that moment.
Brett went with the nurse and Eden to the corner to finish cleaning her up. Brett got to put on her first diaper and I could just hear him saying "oh my gosh, she is so strong". In the meantime (forgive the gorey details), the doctor commenced to delivering the placenta and the 'repair' work. Now that was the part I was really unprepared for. It actually hurt more than anything else. I had lost all composure by that point- strength was totally gone- so I wasn't exactly quiet about my discomfort. The doctor actually said- "I'm sorry, I'm not used to doing this on someone without an epidural". Really. Really.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Weeks, Poops, Baths, and other Firsts...
So, back to the title-
First Week- We saw the pediatrician and Eden is wonderfully healthy. She weighed 7lb 2oz and was 19.5 in long- just perfect for 5 days old. The doctor helped us with some ideas for getting her to sleep somewhere besides her mother's arms (a subject for another time)- super sweet but none to practical.
First Poop- Well obviously she pooped several times before we left the hospital, but then she decided to wait a good 48 hrs after we came home to do it again. We were beginning to get a little concerned when she gave us a BIG surprise. The really funny part is when she decided to do it, Brett was the only one awake. Now keep in mind that he had never changed a poopey diaper and found himself alone. He did a great job and didn't wake up a soul- he's a good one. Even funnier is that her second poopey diaper came 24 hrs later while mom and I had taken a quick and rare trip to the grocery store. Once again Brett found himself alone- to make a long hilarious story short- The pediatrician called (to see if she had pooped) as he laid Eden
down to change her. As he was telling her we had success, Eden decided she wasn't finished and let out a BUNCH more. Brett quickly hung up and then as he lifted Eden to clean her, she peed all down her back and arms. Daddy did a fine job, but needless to say he was REALLY glad when we got home.
First Bath- Well, we attempted her first bath on Monday night. Eden was none to pleased to put it lightly. She didn't like any part of it. The picture was obviously taken BEFORE we actually bathed her. I am going to have to figure some way to keep her warmer, do things MUCH faster, and keep her little belly button dry all at the same time. I know all you veteran moms must be laughing at me. Any tips on bathing and sleeping in the cradle are more than welcome!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Eden is Here!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Friends and Showers
On Saturday Candace, Kristi, my sister Anna, mother in law Sarah, my mom and I all went to The Bisque House to paint pottery. We had a blast. If you haven't ever done that, I highly recommend it.
On Saturday night we had yet another Baby Shower. I am so, so blessed with good friends and family. It was a couples dinner and shower at Jay and Charli Sherrill's house and they served a wonderful brisket supper. Everyone wrote a blessing for the baby on a scrapbook sheet and there were lots of precious gifts. I still can't believe all the wonderful people around us.
36 Week Sonogram
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Showers and Such...
On July 12 we had our first baby shower in Tyler. My precious mother-in-law Sarah, sister-in-law Tricia, and good friend Stori planned a wonderful luncheon and shower at The Potpourri House in Tyler. It was SO much fun... of course celebrating babies is ALWAYS fun.
My mother-in-law Sarah and my blossoming belly
What a sweet cake (ha)!
Just look at all the wonderful gifts! My sweet sister-in-law FILLED and I mean FILLED a baby tub with all sorts of wonderful things- including a custom made diaper bag..... I am SO thankful!
So, then on July 19 & 20 Brett and I attended "Prepared Childbirth", "Breastfeeding", and "Early Infant Care" all crammed into 11 glorious hours at Baylor All-Saints hospital. No pictures unfortunately. Brett was a real trooper and is SO much more interested in the birth, changing diapers, and he knows more about how a breast works than he ever dreamed. It actually was a lot of fun. I think the best part was getting to tour the L&D department at the hospital. It's brand new and just beautiful. We are so thankful to have our BabyGirl in such a neat place!
We headed to Abilene on July 25th and celebrated my Dad's birthday at Perini Ranch in Buffalo Gap- sooo yummy!
On Saturday, we had our 2nd baby shower in Abilene. My amazing mother and 10 of her work and church friends put together a beautiful brunch for us. It was so nice to see lots of friends and close family that we rarely get to spend time with.
Me and all the ladies...
Me and my favorite ladies...
Won't that be a beautiful "coming home" blanket...
So, after the shower, my mom got to work. Her gift to us is "custom-made" baby bedding. We found all the fabric weeks ago, and then this weekend we camped out at my brother's house and my mother literally sewed non-stop for 2 days. She is probably the hardest working woman I know...literally. It is almost finished, so I will post pictures of the final product when it's all together. Thanks so much Mom! BabyGirl, Brett and I appreciate your time more than you know.
Momma hard at work...
Isn't that BabyGirl growing!!!!