Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy 8 Months!!



  • She sleeps like a dream (now that she has discovered tummy sleeping it's even better)
  • Three square meals a day (I know you were worried by how thin she is :))
  • She LOVES sweet potatoes and DOES NOT LOVE green beans (she is, however, very polite about her dislike and simply looks at the floor and refuses to look at me...)
  • She has begun feeding herself little bites of banana and cooked carrots (for all my OT friends, she has an excellent pincer grasp)
  • She says DaDa and NaNa (for bananas), and for now she says BaBa instead of MaMa, but we're working on it...
  • She understands the signs for milk, eat, drink, all done, and more.
  • She does raspberries, clucks, growls, and coughs and loves to copy us making those sounds
  • She gives kisses when asked, but so far only to Mommy (I just hate that...)
  • She's very curious about everything (this has been confirmed by BOTH the church and MOPS nurseries) and always wants to find and investigate sounds, or play with whatever we (or other children) have
  • She pulls up on anything she can get her little hands around. Her favorite is our big magazine basket and ottoman. She'll stand and cruise around those forever.
  • She has been standing alone for a few seconds (her record is 7 seconds, but I was the only witness :))
  • Little Missy can crawl! This video was right after she started so she has gotten much smoother and faster, but she still uses one foot and one knee- it's really funny (people kept telling us how our lives would change once she was mobile, but I really had no idea...)

There are no words to tell you what joy Eden brings to both of us every single day. I still cannot believe God let us be a part of her life. Isn't His design amazing!!!


  1. She's just precious! Thanks for sharing her with us!

  2. You have a wonderful family. You and Bret and little Eden fill our heart with total joy! God really is good, isn't He?
    Dad (Papa)

  3. That is just not possible, is it? 8 months already? She's adorable!!
