So, back to the title-
First Week- We saw the pediatrician and Eden is wonderfully healthy. She weighed 7lb 2oz and was 19.5 in long- just perfect for 5 days old. The doctor helped us with some ideas for getting her to sleep somewhere besides her mother's arms (a subject for another time)- super sweet but none to practical.
First Poop- Well obviously she pooped several times before we left the hospital, but then she decided to wait a good 48 hrs after we came home to do it again. We were beginning to get a little concerned when she gave us a BIG surprise. The really funny part is when she decided to do it, Brett was the only one awake. Now keep in mind that he had never changed a poopey diaper and found himself alone. He did a great job and didn't wake up a soul- he's a good one. Even funnier is that her second poopey diaper came 24 hrs later while mom and I had taken a quick and rare trip to the grocery store. Once again Brett found himself alone- to make a long hilarious story short- The pediatrician called (to see if she had pooped) as he laid Eden
down to change her. As he was telling her we had success, Eden decided she wasn't finished and let out a BUNCH more. Brett quickly hung up and then as he lifted Eden to clean her, she peed all down her back and arms. Daddy did a fine job, but needless to say he was REALLY glad when we got home.
First Bath- Well, we attempted her first bath on Monday night. Eden was none to pleased to put it lightly. She didn't like any part of it. The picture was obviously taken BEFORE we actually bathed her. I am going to have to figure some way to keep her warmer, do things MUCH faster, and keep her little belly button dry all at the same time. I know all you veteran moms must be laughing at me. Any tips on bathing and sleeping in the cradle are more than welcome!