6. Feeling my babygirl move. I never get tired of it... it's like she's talking to me.
7. God revealing parts of me that He created, but I'm just now beginning to see. He's so amazing.
Now, for some of the more interesting parts of pregnancy...
1. The body that had been so familiar to me for so long was suddenly abducted by aliens... whose body is this!?
2. Just about the time I get adjusted to how I am feeling....it changes.
3. No matter what position I am laying in, some body part falls asleep. The other night I woke up and tried to throw my hand out of the bed because I thought it was a book, yes- it was that numb. (should I be concerned?)
4. Hair. I love it on my head, eyebrows, and eyelashes- otherwise it's just so in the way (sorry, TMI I know).
5. My stomach is full yet I am still hungry. I didn't know those two feelings could exist at the same time...
6. How many times can one person pee in 24 hours? Seriously, what's the record?
7. Being out of breath from watering flowers.
8. Catching my reflection in a glass storefront and not immediately recognizing the person- weird feeling.
9. Being hot most of the time (I was once the girl with the blanket). Brett nearly teared up with joy when I scolded him for turning the air warmer than 68 degrees.
10. Cleavage- I have never had to deal with it before. (actually, I should probably be honest and move this up to the first list).